Brief: To create a film to raise awareness of the work CI does to support sustainable fishing and seafood and communicate our global work to a local audience.
Idea: The ocean is running out of fish. Out of the reasons that contributes to it, overfishing is one major factor. Yet, many people are unaware of this, leading to their consumption and demand for unsustainable seafood practices.
To raise awareness, we needed to hit home where people was most familiar with; the seafood on their very plate. It is not uncommon to wait 10 - 20 minutes for a good seafood dish. The hook of this film is to intrigue viewers with the absurdly long preparation time these seafood dishes need. Challenging consumers with the one simple devastating truth; this is the real time needed for fishes in our oceans to naturally recover and repopulate if overfishing persists.
Young Spikes Film Competition 2021: Special Commendation Award
Agency: Vaynermedia APAC
Team: Steffi Lee